var x="" function splitaddr(complete,cmd){ try{ let c= complete.substring(cmd.length()) let u = c.split('@')[0] let a = c.split('@')[1] return [u,a] } catch(e){ termshow('Please complete the command like this: '+cmd+'user@address') return 'ERROR' } } function infos(){ termshow('01010101010101010\n1 CyberTermGame 1\n0 By GZod01 0\n10101010101010101\nInfos on the game : Hello my name is GZod01 and i make this game in python "for fun", I know this game is not reflecting the reality of the command on linux or windows machines but... it is a game...\nSorry if the english is not very good i speak french...') } var passwordlist = [listofpassword] var filelist = [listoffile] var connected = false var datased = false infos() var user="" var ip="" var password="" var destroyedip=[temporar, i, will, move, to, serverdatas] var codeline = [fake hack codelines] termshow('startingsession...') var me = terminput('your name: ') // example of serversdatas: "user@ip":{"destroyed":True (or False), "files":listoffiles, "password":"password"} var gamedatas = { "serverdatas":{}, "username":me } function loop(){ if(connected){ x = terminput(`[${user}@${ip}] $ `) } else{ x = terminput(`[ ${me}@MYCOMPUTER ] %`) } if(x.startswith('ssh')){ if(connected){ termshow('error, you are already in a distant server') } else{ if(splitaddr(x,'ssh')=='ERROR'){ } else{ user=splitaddr(x, 'ssh')[0] ip = splitaddr(x, 'ssh')[1] termshow('connect to the computer with the ip '+ip+' from the user '+user+' ...') if(ip in destroyedip){ termshow('error this server is destroyed') } else{ sleep(1) terminput('Password: ') sleep(0.5) termshow('connected') connected = true } } } } else if (x.startswith('pbk')){ if(connected){ termshow('error you are on a distant server') } else{ //TO CONTINUE } } } /* else: if splitaddr(x,'pbk')=='ERROR': splitaddr(x,'pbk') else: user=splitaddr(x, 'pbk')[0] ip = splitaddr(x, 'pbk')[1] print('Breaking the password of the user '+user+' to the computer with the ip '+ip+' ...') password= random.choice(passwordlist) print('The password is : '+ password) elif x=='ls': if connected: print('This is the file on the distant machine') for i in range(random.randint(1,10)): print('-'+random.choice(filelist)) else: if datased: print('This is the file on your computer: \n- \n-') else: print('This is the file on your computer: \n-') elif x=='attack': if connected: print('the attack start... \n copying all the data in this server to your file in your computer (it include all the file, folder etc.)...\nbreaking the server...\nDisconnected: The server is destroy') connected = False datased = True destroyedip.append(ip) else: print('error you are not connected, please connect to a distant server before executing this command') elif x=='help': print('The available commands: \n- help : print this message\n- ls : list the files and folders\n- pbk (only in your computer) : Get the password of an user from an ip address\n- ssh (only in your computer) : conect to a distant server with an user and an ip address (you have to use pbk to get the password)\n- attack (only in ssh servers) : start an attack that will add all the datas on the server in your file and will destroy the server\n- exit : if you are connected to distant server (ssh) it deconnect you, if you are not connected it exit this game\n- infos : display infos on this game') elif x=='exit': if connected: print('disconnecting...') connected=False else: print('Exiting the session...') print('Exiting the game, thank to play to this game, don\'t hesitate to help me or to give me your feedback') break elif x=='hack': if connected: print('--Start-of-the-hacking-program--') for i in range(random.randint(0,50)): print(random.choice(codeline)) else: print('you have to be connected')*/