echo checking internet connection Ping -n 1 -w 1000 cls if errorlevel 1 (set internet="Not connected to internet") else (set internet="Connected to internet") echo %internet% if %internet% == "Connected to internet" ( echo "" > ".\uscpm.html" echo "do" start "" ".\uscpm.html" ) else ( if exist ".\uscpm.html" ( start "" ".\uscpm.html" ) else ( msg "%USERNAME%" "Sorry, your computer can't access to internet and the USCPM file doesn't exist, if the error persist create an issue in the github:" rem echo "x=msgbox("Sorry, your computer can't access to internet and the USCPM file doesn't exist, if the error persist create an issue in the github:", Button+Icon, "ERROR USCPM")" > .\message.vbs rem .\message.vbs rem del .\message.vbs ) )