
75 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-12-13 09:08:40 +00:00
import pprint
import itertools
import fileinput
nodes = []
edges = []
for raw in fileinput.input():
line = raw.strip()
if line == '': continue
[a,b] = line.split('-')
nodes += [a, b]
edges.append((a, b))
nodes = list(set(nodes))
graph = [[0 for j in range(len(nodes))] for i in range(len(nodes))]
for (a,b) in edges:
i, j = nodes.index(a), nodes.index(b)
graph[i][j] = 1
graph[j][i] = 1
visit_only_once = [e for e in nodes if e.lower() == e and e != 'start' and e != 'end']
start_index = nodes.index('start')
end_index = nodes.index('end')
nodes_d = [(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(nodes)]
visit_only_once_index = [nodes.index(e) for e in visit_only_once]+[start_index, end_index]
def explore_path(stack, level, locked, s, did_visit_twice):
edges = [i for i,e in enumerate(graph[s]) if e]
if s == end_index:
return [s] + [stack]
paths = []
for edge in edges:
if edge == start_index: continue
if edge in visit_only_once_index:
if edge in locked:
if not did_visit_twice and edge != start_index and edge != end_index:
did_visit_twice = True
#print(f'{level=} , {nodes[edge]=}, {new_locked=}, {at_most=} ')
paths += explore_path([s]+stack, level+1, locked.copy(), edge, did_visit_twice)
return paths
print('start exploring...')
paths = explore_path([], 0, set(), start_index, False)
all_paths = [ ''.join(map(str, p)) for p in paths ]
res = list(set(all_paths))
for p in res:
new_p = list(map(int, list(p)))
#print([ nodes[i] for i in list(reversed(new_p))])
print(f'There are {len(res)} paths')