namespace Paheko;

// Some random key of more than 31 characters
// openssl rand -base64 41
const SECRET_KEY = 'pCfzcII7HvAvGw2Q/bZpBaRxKf79vxr0TdFTyrbld9PahenxIrL6Pg==';

// SMTP parameters
const SMTP_HOST = 'mailcow.lefuturiste.fr';
const SMTP_PORT = 465;
const SMTP_USER = 'ne-pas-repondre@etoiledebethleem.fr';
const SMTP_PASSWORD = 'ho1x8F6TLDAmQNhS8mlN';

// Upgrades should be handled by new docker image version
const ENABLE_UPGRADES = false;

// Storage quota
const FILE_STORAGE_QUOTA = 1*1024*1024*1024; // 1 Go

// Command line to use chromium to generate PDF documents
const PDF_COMMAND = 'chromium --no-sandbox --headless --disable-dev-shm-usage --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required --no-first-run --disable-gpu --disable-features=DefaultPassthroughCommandDecoder --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream --use-fake-device-for-media-stream --disable-sync --print-to-pdf=%2$s %1$s';

const MAIL_SENDER = 'ne-pas-repondre@etoiledebethleem.fr';