Matthieu Bessat
Created a kernel crate to store models and future action implementations. Will be useful to create admin cli.
88 lines
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88 lines
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GET {{ base_url }}/api
HTTP 200
jsonpath "$.software" == "Minauthator"
POST {{ base_url }}/login
login: root
password: root
HTTP 303
user_jwt: cookie "minauthator_jwt"
cookie "minauthator_jwt" exists
cookie "minauthator_jwt[Value]" contains "eyJ0"
cookie "minauthator_jwt[SameSite]" == "Lax"
GET {{ base_url }}/me
HTTP 200
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
xpath "string(///h1)" == "Welcome root!"
POST {{ base_url }}/me/details-form
handle: root
full_name: John Doe
picture: file,john_doe_profile_pic.jpg; image/jpeg
HTTP 200
GET {{ base_url }}/me/authorizations
HTTP 200
xpath "string(///h1)" == "Your authorizations"
xpath "string(///i)" == "You didn't authorized or accessed any applications for now."
# OAuth2 implicit flow (pre-granted app)
GET {{ base_url }}/authorize
client_id: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
response_type: code
redirect_uri: http://localhost:9090/callback
state: Afk4kf6pbZkms78jM
scope: user_read_basic
HTTP 302
header "Location" contains "http://localhost:9090/callback?code="
authorization_code: header "Location" regex "\\?code=(.*)&"
# OAuth2 get access token
POST {{ base_url }}/api/token
00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000001: dummy_client_secret
code: {{ authorization_code }}
scope: user_read_basic
redirect_uri: http://localhost:9090/callback
grant_type: authorization_code
HTTP 200
Content-Type: application/json
jsonpath "$.access_token" exists
jsonpath "$.access_token" matches "eyJ[[:alpha:]0-9].[[:alpha:]0-9].[[:alpha:]0-9]"
access_token: jsonpath "$.access_token"
# Get basic user info
GET {{ base_url }}/api/user
Authorization: JWT {{ access_token }}
HTTP 200
Content-Type: application/json
jsonpath "$.handle" == "root"
jsonpath "$.email" == ""
GET {{ base_url }}/me/authorizations
HTTP 200
xpath "string(///h1)" == "Your authorizations"
xpath "string(///main/ul/li)" contains "UserReadBasic"
GET {{ base_url }}/logout
HTTP 303
cookie "minauthator_jwt" == ""