categories: base: - util-linux - man-pages - man-db - less - git - tmux - screen - openssh - base-devel - name: mosh desc: The best to connect to remote server! - name: python-pipx desc: To install python stuff libs: - protobuf - libosmium - name: expat desc: XML parser lib hardware: printing: - cups _: - acpi - smartmontools # monitor drive (SSD) health - lshw - dmidecode # to list memory slots - usbutils - brightnessctl - lm_sensors network: - sshfs - unbound keymap: - aur/xkb-qwerty-fr bluetooth: - bluez - bluez-utils - aur/bluetuith utils: _: - bat - plantuml - tldr finder: - fzf - ripgrep - fd unix: - moreutils - rlwrap - name: pv desc: pipe viewer - name: at desc: scheduler automation: - ansible - ansible-lint text_processing: json: - jo - jq - fx yaml: - yq csv: - xsv # rust CSV toolkit language: ocr: - tesseract - tesseract-data-fra - tesseract-data-eng spell: - hunspell - hunspell-en_us - hunspell-fr mail: - s-nail fun: - figlet - cowsay - aur/boxes - fortune-mod archives: - unzip - zip bureautique: - unoconv # can be used to export ODT to pdf - pandoc # general purpose document converter - typst # an alternative to latex latex: - texlive-basic - texlive-latex - texlive-latexrecommended - texlive-fontsrecommended - texlive-fontsextra math: - libqalculate # qalc git: - aur/gitwatch-git - tig network: http: - jwt-cli - curl - wget - miniserve - mitmproxy - name: trurl desc: URL processing dns: - bind _: - nmap - wireguard-tools - tcpdump - socat # TCP proxy or relay - rsync - rclone - whois - traceroute - nload inspection: - strace - wireshark-cli - name: binwalk desc: Inspect a binary to search for embeded files and binaries ( - name: aur/libtree desc: Inspect a binary and output of tree of system libraries # dnsrecon # httrack fs: - lsof tui: browser: - w3m files: - lf security: - siege monitoring: - htop - btop android: - scrcpy - kdeconnect geo: [] #- aur/osmium-tool random_gen: - python-faker - aur/uuid multimedia: - ffmpeg - imagemagick - mpv - yt-dlp - zbar - zint - qrencode - newsboat security: - gopass runtimes: virtualization: - qemu-base docker: - docker programming: _: - name: just desc: "Handy way to save project-specific commands" sqlite: - sqlite - aur/litecli editor: - vim - helix c: - gcc - clang - make - cmake - libxkbcommon - raylib - libzip lsp: - gopls - rust-analyzer - typst-lsp - vscode-css-language - pyright - typescript-language-server - svelte-language-server - lua-language-server rust: {} # - rustup dbs: - redis - postgresql - postgis python: _: - python-pip - python-poetry lint: - ruff lua: - lua web: - caddy static: - hugo shell: - fish - aur/fish-fzf - zoxide - name: dash desc: Simple POSIX compliant shell - name: aur/shellcheck-bin desc: Static analyzer for shell script audio: control: - name: pavucontrol desc: GTK GUI - name: pulsemixer desc: pulseaudio TUI desktop: wayland: _: - wev - wtype - wl-clipboard - name: wofi desc: Remplacement for rofi - sway - i3status-rust - swaylock - swayidle - swayimg - name: aur/swayhide desc: Allow swallowing color_picker: - aur/hyprpicker notification: - dunst screenshot: - grim - name: slurp desc: region screenshoting desktop_utils: - cliphist GUI: files: - nautilus - cheese browser: - firefox-developer-edition - torbrowser-launcher - aur/brave-bin terminal_emulator: - alacritty mail: - thunderbird communication: - signal-desktop document: viewer: - zathura - zathura-pdf-poppler - zathura-djvu editor: - xournalpp images: viewer: - nsxiv - gthumb creation: art: - krita svg: - inkscape audio: - tenacity - songrec video: - cheese - celluloid - vlc - obs-studio #- kdenlive 3d: - openscad - blender bureautique: - libreoffice-still geo: - aur/mepo - qgis prog: - name: dbeaver tags: ['heavy-gui'] remote_access: - remmina #- remmina-plugin-rdesktop _: - name: aur/screen-message description: Utility to write in big on the screen inspection: - wireshark-qt fonts: - ttf-roboto - ttf-opensans - ttf-liberation - ttf-font-awesome - ttf-fira-code - ttf-firacode-nerd - aur/ttf-sourcesanspro - aur/ttf-bona-nova