
# Setup display
xrandr --auto && xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --left-of eDP1

# Setup dependencies (this section is REQUIRED, don't remove)
if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ] ; then
 for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh ; do
  [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
 unset f

# to only use the HDM1 output use the command:
# xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --output

# setup remap
[[ -f ~/.Xmodmap ]] && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

# touchpad deamon with synaptic
# disable the touchpad when the user is typing to avoid confusion
syndaemon -i 0.5 -K -R -d

picom &

# old xflux (with french location)
#xflux -l 49.1754262 -g 1.3301737 &

# Start xflux in location russia
xflux -l 54.784568 -g 37.106110 &

# Start notification deamon
dunst &

# Start network manager applet
# nm-applet

# Prevent paste mouseblock
# I had to install it without using pacman
~/.apps/XMousePasteBlock/xmousepasteblock &

# Start greenclip
greenclip daemon &

# Start batterytator
/usr/bin/batterytator mbess BAT0 &

# old: start laptop monitor (now replaced with batterytator)
#env LAPTOP_MONITOR_PERIOD_IN_MINUTES=2 /home/mbess/dots/laptop_monitor & > /home/mbess/dots/monitor.log

# setup keychain
eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start)

# Start blueman
blueman-applet &

# Start network manager applet
nm-applet &

sh $HOME/dots/scripts/refresh_wallpapers.sh &

xautolock -detectsleep -time 5 -locker ~/dots/scripts/lock.sh -notify 30 -notifier "notify-send -u critical -t 10000 -- 'locking screen in 30 seconds'" &

element-desktop &
