
277 lines
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2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
(% macro cdate(inp) %)(( inp | formatDate | capitalize | trim ))(% endmacro %)
\usepackage{url,parskip} % other packages for formatting
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
\definecolor{basecolor}{HTML}{000066} %BLUE
\fancyfoot[L]{(( misc.updated_at | format_date(locale=getLocale()) ))}
\fancyfoot[C]{(% if anno %)CV annonyme(% else %)(( firstName )) (( lastName )) - CV(% endif %)}
\fancyfoot[R]{(( getLocalizedStr("page-counter")|format("\\thepage{}", "\\pageref*{LastPage}")|raw ))}
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
\newcommand\link[2]{\color{linkcolor}\href{#1}{#2}\color{Black} }
% Remove head rule
% Configure list
\setlist[itemize,1]{label=-, nosep, leftmargin=2em}
\setlist[itemize,2]{label=-, nosep, leftmargin=1.5em}
% Setup Array : new column type
%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''
\tikz[baseline]\node[anchor=base,draw=darkGrey!70,rounded corners=0.5ex,inner xsep=1ex,inner ysep=0.55ex,text height=1.59ex,text depth=.25ex]{\color{light}#1};\hspace{-.5em}
% \newcommand{\sectionTitle}[1]{
% \color{accentcolor}\textsc{\Large{#1}}
% \\
% \color{darkGrey}\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}
% \color{black}
% }
% \newcommand\sectionTitle[2]{\section{\texorpdfstring{\color{accentcolor}#2\enspace \textsc{#1}}{#1}}}
% Define the 'keywords' environment
\textbf{#1} & #2\\
% \newcommand{\iconwithtext}[2]{\bottominset{\small#1}{\includesvg[width=10pt]{./public/imgs/#2}}{2pt}{26pt}}
% \section{\color{accentcolor} \textsc{Hello World}}{Hello world}
(% if anno %)
\noindent\color{accentcolor}\textbf{\large{(( getDynLocalizedStr(label) ))}}\color{black}
(% else %)
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
\noindent{\huge{((firstName)) \textbf{((lastName))}}}
\noindent\color{accentcolor}\textbf{\large{(( getDynLocalizedStr(label) ))}}\color{black}
\iconwithtext{icons/map-pin.svg}{(( location.city.name )), (( location.country.name ))}
\iconwithtext{icons/cake.svg}{(( getLocalizedStr('intro.age-raw') | format(age) ))}
\iconwithtext{icons/at.svg}{\link{mailto:(( email ))}{(( email ))}}
\iconwithtext{icons/phone.svg}{\link{(( phone | replace({' ':''}) ))}{(( phone ))}}
\iconwithtext{icons/link.svg}{\link{(( website ))}{(( website_alt ))}}
\iconwithtext{logos/github.svg}{\link{(( links_by_ids.github.url ))}{(( links_by_ids.github.username ))}}
\iconwithtext{logos/gitlab.svg}{\link{(( links_by_ids.gitlab.url ))}{(( links_by_ids.gitlab.username ))}}
\tikz\path[fill overzoom image={\@photo}]circle[radius=0.45\linewidth];
(% endif %)
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
\par{(( getDynLocalizedStr(intro) | raw ))}
% Section: Skills
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('skills.title') ))}
(% for skill in skills %)
\keywordsentry{(( getDynLocalizedStr(skill.name) ))}{(% for k in skill.keywords %)(( k ))(% if not loop.last %), (% endif %)(% endfor %)}
(% endfor %)
% Section: Professionals experiences
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('experience.pro') ))}
(% for exp in pro_projects %)
\textbf{(( _self.cdate(exp.to) ))} &
(% if exp.detailled %)
\link{(( website ))/(( getLocale() ))/projects/(( exp.id )).html}{%
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
(% endif %)
\textbf{(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.name) ))}(% if exp.detailled %)}(% endif %) \\*
\textbf{(( _self.cdate(exp.from) ))} & \textsc{(( exp.organization.name ))} (% if exp.organization.location is defined %), (( exp.organization.location ))(% endif %) \\*
& \par{(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.description) | raw ))} \\
(% if exp.highlights is defined %)
& \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
(% for h in exp.highlights[getLocale()] %)
\item{(( h | raw ))}
(% endfor %)
\end{minipage} \\*
(% endif %)
& \hspace{-.2em}\footnotesize{(% for t in exp.technologies %)\cvtag{(( t.name ))}(% endfor %)} \\
(% endfor %)
% Section: Side projects
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('projects.side.title') | raw ))}
\par{(( getLocalizedStr('projects.side.description') | raw ))}
(% for exp in side_projects %)
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth) - 1.5em}
(% if exp.detailled and not anno %)
\link{(( website ))/(( getLocale() ))/projects/(( exp.id )).html}{%
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
(% endif %)
\textbf{\textsc{(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.name) | raw ))}}%
(% if exp.detailled %)}(% endif %)
\hfill \textsc{(( exp.date | format_date(locale=getLocale(), pattern='YYYY') ))}\smallskip\\
(% if not anno %)
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
\iconwithtext{(( exp.link_icon ))}{\link{(( exp.link ))}{(( exp.link_alt ))}}
(% endif %)
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.description) | raw ))\vspace{.4em}\\
\footnotesize{(% for t in exp.technologies %)\cvtag{(( t.name ))}(% endfor %)}\\
(% if not loop.last %)
(% endif %)
(% endfor %)
2022-08-02 20:09:45 +00:00
% Section: Volunteering experiences
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('projects.volunteering.title') ))}
(% for exp in volunteering %)
\textbf{(( _self.cdate(exp.date) ))} & \textbf{(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.name) ))} \\*
& \textsc{(( exp.organization.name ))} \\
& \par{(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.description) | raw ))} \\
(% if not loop.last %)
(% endif %)
(% endfor %)
% Section: Education
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('education.title') ))}
(% for exp in education %)
\textbf{(( _self.cdate(exp.to) ))} & \textbf{(( getDynLocalizedStr(exp.name) ))} \\*
\textbf{(( _self.cdate(exp.from) ))} & \textsc{(( exp.facility.name ))}, (( exp.facility.city )), (( exp.facility.country )) \\*
% & \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{hello}
% \item{hello}
% \item{hello}
% \end{itemize}
% \end{minipage} \\
& (% if exp.degree is defined %)(( getLocalizedStr('education.degree-got') | format(exp.degree.name) | raw )) (% if exp.degree.title is defined %) (( getLocalizedStr('education.degree-title') | format(exp.degree.title) | raw ))(% endif %)(% endif %) \\*
(% if not loop.last %)
(% endif %)
(% endfor %)
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('interests.title') | raw ))}
(% for item in interests %)
\item{\iconwithtext{icons/(( item.icon ))}{(( getDynLocalizedStr(item.name) ))}}
(% endfor %)
% Section: Langues
\sectionTitle{(( getLocalizedStr('languages.title') ))}
(% for lang in languages %)
\keywordsentry{(( getLocalizedStr(lang.long) ))}{(( getLocalizedStr('fluency.' ~ lang.level) ))}
(% endfor %)