All the text content or structured content I want to put on the website is stored in YAML file to beeasy to change and work with. The YAML can be used outside of the website to generate resume for example.
Then I use PHP and [Twig]( to render the HTML and [SASS]( to add a little bit of style. Webpack is used to compile to SASS to CSS and pack the JavaScript.
Unlike the previous version of this website, it doesn't require the use of a database.
Appart from the language handling, the site doesn't necessarily need to have PHP generate the page each time so it can be build to HTML files by a script and cached. So the whole website can run without PHP.
## Requirements
- PHP >=8.1
- Node >=16.16
- Yarn >=1.22
## Installation
git clone blahblah
composer install
yarn build
You may want to run the `` if you want to serve the site without PHP.