# TODO: add git; vim; mariadb; latex; socket-io; docker; c (programming language); express.js; stripe and paypal integrations technologies: # Front End - id: css image: css3.svg name: CSS 3 height: stretch website: https://www.w3.org/TR/css/ wikidata: Q11707176 - id: html image: html5.svg name: HTML 5 website: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/ wikidata: Q2053 # JavaScript - id: jquery image: jquery.svg name: JQuery website: https://jquery.com/ wikidata: Q230036 - id: node image: node.svg name: Node.js website: https://nodejs.org/ wikidata: Q756100 - id: yarn image: yarn.svg name: Yarn website: https://yarnpkg.com wikidata: Q28975591 - id: webpack image: webpack.svg name: Webpack website: https://webpack.js.org/ wikidata: - id: sass image: sass.svg name: SASS website: https://sass-lang.com/ wikidata: Q1572865 - id: typescript image: typescript.svg name: Type Script website: https://www.typescriptlang.org/ wikidata: Q978185 - id: electron image: electron.svg name: Electron website: https://www.electronjs.org/ wikidata: Q21614124 # Python - id: python image: python.svg name: Python website: https://python.org wikidata: Q28865 - id: gunicorn image: gunicorn.svg name: Gunicorn website: https://gunicorn.org/ wikidata: Q5618801 # Dev Ops - id: docker image: docker.svg name: Docker website: https://docker.com wikidata: Q15206305 - id: caddy image: caddy.png name: Caddy website: https://caddyserver.com/ wikidata: Q24008327 - id: nginx image: nginx.svg name: Nginx height: stretch website: https://nginx.org/en/ wikidata: Q306144 - id: varnish image: varnish.svg name: Varnish website: https://varnish-cache.org wikidata: Q1602447 - id: cloudflare image: cloudflare.svg name: Cloudflare website: https://cloudflare.com wikidata: Q4778915 # Databases - id: mariadb alias: mysql image: mariadb.svg name: MariaDB description: Database management system similar to MySQL website: https://mariadb.org/ wikidata: Q787177 - id: mongodb image: mongodb.svg height: stretch name: MongoDB description: NoSQL database website: https://mongodb.com wikidata: Q1165204 - id: elasticsearch image: elasticsearch.png name: Elastic Search website: https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch/ wikidata: Q3050461 - id: redis image: redis.svg name: Redis website: https://redis.io wikidata: Q2136322 # PHP ecosystem - id: php image: php.svg name: PHP description: Language to make cool website website: https://php.net color: blue wikidata: Q59 - id: api-platform image: api-platform.svg name: API Platform website: https://api-platform.com/ wikidata: Q108740058 - id: composer image: composer.svg name: Composer height: stretch website: https://getcomposer.org/ wikidata: Q15252222 - id: slim image: slim.svg name: Slim Framework website: https://www.slimframework.com/ wikidata: null - id: laravel image: laravel.svg name: Laravel website: https://laravel.com/ wikidata: Q13634357 - id: symfony image: symfony.svg name: Symfony website: https://symfony.com wikidata: Q1322933 - id: phpunit image: phpunit.svg name: PHP Unit website: https://phpunit.de/ wikidata: Q1663673 - id: vue image: vue.svg name: Vue.js website: https://vuejs.org/ wikidata: Q24589705 - id: nuxt image: nuxt.svg name: Nuxt.js website: https://nuxtjs.org/ wikidata: Q55641291 - id: vuetify image: vuetify.svg name: Vuetify website: https://vuetifyjs.com/ wikidata: Q112943923 - id: go image: go.svg name: Go website: https://go.dev wikidata: Q37227 - id: express image: express.svg name: Express.js wikidata: Q16878131