Q11707176 Cascading Style Sheets Level 3 style sheet language Q2053 HTML5 fifth and current version of the hypertext markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web Q230036 jQuery JavaScript library Q756100 Node.js JavaScript runtime environment Q49007 yarn long continuous length of interlocked fibers Q22909730 webpack open-source JavaScript module bundler Q1572865 Sass Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets stylesheet language no result Q2225 electron subatomic particle with negative electric charge Q28865 Python general-purpose programming language Q5618801 Gunicorn web server Q1537445 stevedore occupation of loading and unloading ships Q411840 cadmium chloride chemical compound Q306144 nginx open source web server and a reverse proxy server Q81683 varnish transparent, hard, protective finish or film used in painting Q4778915 Cloudflare Web infrastructure and website security company Q787177 MariaDB Database management system, relational, open source, community developed fork of MySQL Q1165204 MongoDB cross-platform document-oriented database Q105097049 Curator tool to tend Elasticsearch indices Q2136322 Redis NoSQL database management software Q17193 Philippine peso official currency of the Philippines Q108740058 API Platform Q36834 composer musician who is an author of music in any form; person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition no result Q13634357 Laravel open source web application framework, written in PHP Q1322933 Symfony PHP web application framework for MVC applications no result Q24589705 Vue.js JavaScript framework Q55641291 Nuxt.js JavaScript framework no result Q11413 go board game for two players that originated in China more than 2,500 years ago Q16878131 Express.js JavaScript framework