import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as img import requests import numpy as np import os import math def deg2num(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom): lat_rad = math.radians(lat_deg) n = 1 << zoom xtile = int((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n) ytile = int((1.0 - math.asinh(math.tan(lat_rad)) / math.pi) / 2.0 * n) return xtile, ytile #BOUNDS = ((49.17, 1.31), (49.18, 1.35)) BOUNDS = ((48.7, 2.2), (48.8, 2.3)) BOUNDS = ((48.8, 2.26), (48.82, 2.32)) DEFAULT_HEADERS = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0"} iz = 0 for z in range(14, 15): # # 1029, 1030 going to the est, increasing the longitude angle (x) # 700, 701, going to the south, deacreasing the flatitude latitude angle (y) TILES_BOUNDS = ( deg2num(BOUNDS[0][0], BOUNDS[0][1], z), deg2num(BOUNDS[1][0], BOUNDS[1][1], z) ) print(TILES_BOUNDS) fig, ax = plt.subplots() maxx = 0 maxy = 0 xrange = range(TILES_BOUNDS[0][0], TILES_BOUNDS[1][0]) yrange = range(TILES_BOUNDS[1][1], TILES_BOUNDS[0][1]) print(xrange, yrange) iy = 0 for y in reversed(yrange): ix = 0 for x in xrange: # url = f"{z}/{x}/{y}.png" dir_path = f'tiles/{z}/{x}' tile_path = dir_path + f'/{y}.png' img_data = 0 print(tile_path) if not os.path.exists(tile_path): res = requests.get(url, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS) print(res) if res.status_code != 200: print(res.content) exit() img_data = res.content os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) with open(tile_path, 'wb') as handler: handler.write(img_data) im = img.imread(tile_path) print("read") print(ix, iy) ax.imshow(im, aspect='auto', extent=(ix, ix+1, iy, iy+1), zorder=-1) print("imshow") ix += 1 iy += 1 ax.set_xlim(0, len(xrange)) ax.set_ylim(0, len(yrange)) ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') break iz += 1