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// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
@Suppress("DSL_SCOPE_VIOLATION") // TODO: Remove once KTIJ-19369 is fixed
plugins {
alias(libs.plugins.androidApplication) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.kotlinAndroid) apply false
//id("org.mozilla.rust-android-gradle.rust-android") version "0.9.3"
//Cargo {
// module = "../rust-sandbox" // Or whatever directory contains your Cargo.toml
// libname = "rust-sandbox" // Or whatever matches Cargo.toml's [package] name.
// targets = listOf("arm") // See bellow for a longer list of options
//project.afterEvaluate {
// tasks.withType(com.nishtahir.CargoBuildTask::class)
// .forEach { buildTask ->
// tasks.withType(com.android.build.gradle.tasks.MergeSourceSetFolders::class)
// .configureEach {
// this.inputs.dir(
// layout.buildDirectory.dir("rustJniLibs" + File.separatorChar + buildTask.toolchain!!.folder)
// )
// this.dependsOn(buildTask)
// }
// }
true // Needed to make the Suppress annotation work for the plugins block