3.9 KiB
TODO & Goals
2024-06-07: Afficher un point avec raylib dans une fenêtre
2024-06-24: Basic navigation
2024-06-24: Keyboard navigations, location presets
2024-06-25: Afficher les quartiers d'Aubevoye, afficher les rues
2024-06-26: handle change in screen def
2024-06-26: download and merge osm data in current bbox
2024-06-27: basic name display
2024-06-27: OSM download in a separated thread
2024-06-27: Show basic POI
2024-06-28: selection mode, multiple selection
2024-06-28: View/Edit mode
open terminal with file edition
2024-06-28: basic tags editing with help of external file
2024-06-28: oauth2 with oauth2c
2024-06-29: generate changeset
2024-07-01: upload changeset
2024-07-01: add success or error messages buffer
2024-07-01: refacto with clippy
refacto renderer
compute the real zoom
hint key to select nodes
vim-like commands sequence
show every singular nodes
create node
configure proxy via env variable
add basic CLI interface
- oauth2 status command
show icons on POI
vim-like text manual command bottom.
:Goto <coords>
create POI
create Way
immich photos integrations
- manage auth with immich
- fetch pictures around a bound
- fetch thumbnails
- on click fetch full photo (no perma link open on immich)
implement validation of tags (LSP?)
implement auto-completion of tags (LSP?)
: basic edit of existing way
- add edit toggle button / keybinding
- draw node handles
- on left click, check if we are near a node handle
- move the data, mark the way and node as being modified.
2024-07-10: reimplement JOSM W mode (improve way accuracy module)
feat: integrate iD Tagging scheme
fix: have the right forumula to compute the zoom level
fix bug: when chaing screen def, then zooming does not work
fix carthesian projection
External tags.osm.txt file
- write initial file
- automagically open default editor in a terminal emulator
- then watch for change with inotify
- on file write, update the tags struct of that node and mark that node as changed
Edit ways
Load GPS trace
Pouvoir afficher les grandes villes mondiale
Pouvoir se déplacer de façon basique
Pouvoir afficher les limites lands/sea
Pouvoir load et naviguer dans du raster
Se connecter en OAuth2 à OSM
Pouvoir ajouter un POI basique, upload un changeset sur le serveur de dev OSM
Ajouter un chemin basique
Killers features:
- work on wayland with no issues
- useful shortcuts
- work with relations
- panoramax viewer
- explore diverse databases
- wikidata
- explore commons picture
- explore panoramax
- adapted for:
- mapping with specials tags
- learn contributor habits with frequent tag
Créer une base de données Sqlite avec index géo?
- Sqlite a déjà un RTree de base
Tags edit on
, open a dynamic editor like vim on another windows and allow to edit tags this way -
Distances de deux points sur une sphère avec la formule de Haversine
bobosm account login
bobosm account status
bobosm push --comment "Hello world"
bobosm account logout
Get bbox
Get nodes on a area
curl -v https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map.json -G -d "bbox=1.32495,49.16409,1.34585,49.18485" > map.json
- the
external struct does not support Debug trait
Mercator projection
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Web_Mercator EPSG:3857
Tag editing
Find a way to sort the tags by their importance.
Eg. put building =
first, because it's the first class tag