ADD file:80331a5d882ac8a70763f4b19e06f2e04ea3dca34ae6d92810815b170b3c806c in / |
CMD ["/bin/sh"] |
LABEL Maintainer=lefuturiste |
LABEL Description=Paheko on Alpine Linux with Docker |
ARG PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f |
VOLUME [/var/www/paheko/data] |
WORKDIR /var/www/ |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache curl nginx php81 php81-ctype php81-curl php81-dom php81-fpm php81-gd php81-intl php81-mbstring php81-opcache php81-openssl php81-phar php81-session php81-sqlite3 php81-pdo_sqlite php81-fileinfo php81-json php81-openssl php81-xml php81-xmlreader php81-zlib php81-zip supervisor gettext # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache git make php81-dev build-base gpgme-dev # buildkit |
WORKDIR /tmp |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c git clone --recursive && cd php-gnupg && phpize && ./configure && make && make install # buildkit |
WORKDIR /var/www/ |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c curl -v${PAHEKO_REF}/Paheko-${PAHEKO_REF}.tar.gz > ./paheko.tar.gz # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c tar xf paheko.tar.gz # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c rm -rf *.tar.gz # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c ls -la ./ # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c mv Paheko-${PAHEKO_REF}/src /var/www/paheko # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c ls -la /var/www # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c ls -la /var/www/paheko # buildkit |
WORKDIR /var/www/paheko |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c sed -i "s/unzip -u" Makefile # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c sed -i "s/unzip -u -d data/unzip -d data/g" Makefile # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c make # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c make plugins # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c make modules # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c rm /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf # remove this file because it listens on port 80 and it blocks other vhost # buildkit |
COPY config/nginx-paheko.conf /etc/nginx/http.d # buildkit |
COPY config/fpm-paheko.conf /etc/php81/php-fpm.d/ # buildkit |
COPY config/php-custom.ini /etc/php81/conf.d/custom.ini # buildkit |
COPY config/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf # buildkit |
RUN |2 PAHEKO_VERSION=master PAHEKO_REF=a73e04861f /bin/sh -c chown -R nobody: /run /var/lib/nginx /var/log/nginx /var/www/paheko # buildkit |
USER nobody |
EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}] |
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord" "-c" "/etc/supervisord.conf"] |
HEALTHCHECK &{["CMD-SHELL" "curl --silent --fail"] "0s" "10s" "0s" '\x00'} |